Learn with us.

We schedule classes on Fridays from 12 pm - 4 pm and Sundays from 9 am - 1 pm with a small group of 2-5 people. The class is an introduction to blacksmithing and for $150, we will walk you through the process of making a fire poker.

If you are able to pay $300, we will gift a class to a high school student in your honor through our mentorship program with our non-profit Tradeswork, and you will receive a Smithworks t-shirt as a thank you.

In the class you will learn about hand hammering techniques and how to use the power hammer. You'll get practice bending and shaping metal. It's fun, super hands on, and you will come away with your very own handmade artisan fire poker.

If you are looking for a more advanced one-on-one mentorship, the cost is $300 for a 4 hour session.

Get in touch to get a class on the books.